Ask a USAID Contracting Officer–USAID Year In Review

Price:  $0.0 (Free) Overview At USAID there are a significant number of steps to award a grant or contract:  technical design, solicitation preparation, pre-award conference, question and answer period, evaluation, negotiations, and award. The contracting officer is involved to every step, but sometimes implementers are not aware of their role in decision making.  This webinar…

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Contract Clauses Every Implementer Should Know

Price:  $55.00 Overview A typical USAID cost reimbursement contract can include hundreds of FAR and AIDAR clauses populating Sections B to K of the award.  As a clause is cited by reference only in the award, an organization would have to research and read the FAR or AIDAR to understand the implications either to the…

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How to Analyze a Contract Solicitation–The Missing & Overlooked

Price:  $95.00 Overview In this webinar participants will learn the standard format of a contract solicitation, what remains the same and what changes from one solicitation to the next. Knowing this, organizations can more quickly analyze a solicitation focusing on priority sections C, L and M.  In analyzing a USAID contract solicitation there is frequently…

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How to Analyze a Grant Solicitation–The Missing & Overlooked

Price:  $95.00 Overview In this webinar participants will learn the standard format of a grant solicitation, what remains the same and what changes from one solicitation to the next. Knowing this, organizations can more quickly analyze a solicitation focusing on priority sections. In analyzing a USAID solicitation there is frequently missing information.  In this webinar…

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Learn What Matters: The Difference Between Contracts & Grants

Price:  $55.00 Overview This is the perfect interactive webinar to learn the difference between contracts and grants and what systems are needed to make the transition. The webinar will take participants step-by-step through the requirements:  pre-award, award policies, solicitation and bidding, award management, notifications, approvals, close-out, and audit.  The webinar will provide the cited FAR,…

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Learn Winning Answers to Competitive Range Discussions

Price:  $95.00 Overview At Development Essentials, we think there are three steps to winning a USAID award:  being responsive to the solicitation requirements, reaching the competitive range and responding to discussion range questions.  Many organizations commitment enormous resources to developing a proposal but misunderstand discussion questions or what USAID is really looking for in the…

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Top Websites to Research the Competition & Market

Price:  $95.00 Overview Development Essentials has done the work for you–studied every US Government database and came up with the top six.  With this interactive webinar Development Essentials will walk you through each database, in the correct order and show you how to find and extract critical information on the incumbent, competitors and the upcoming…

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USG Grant Regs–Prep for Major Changes Coming

On December 26, 2014 published the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR part 200) to consolidate and streamline guidance for uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards. It consolidates grant guidance for all federal departments and agencies. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.109 the guidance must be reviewed every five years. On August 13, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published 333 pages of revisions to operationalize the grants management standards, establish a robust marketplace of modern solutions, manage risk, and achieve program goals and objectives. The changes also include requirements from several National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAAs) and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), as amended by the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATS Act). Changes also include revisions to clarify areas of misinterpretation received from the public comment period.

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