
The number of US Government and USAID grant regulations and policies are constantly increasing, changing, and becoming more complex.  Most recently (in November 2020) the US Government revised 2 CFR 200 requiring USAID to update grant standard provisions and internal policies.  At the same time USAID continues to revise the Automated Directives System and issue new Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives, waivers, and deviations. This seminar is designed to provide participants the knowledge and practical application of US Government and USAID grant regulations and policies.  By doing so, participants will be able to apply them to business development, application submission, grants administration, modifications/extensions, close-out, and audit. 

SKU: UGPPC-1 Category:



The two-day seminar will cover US government and USAID grant regulations and policies applicable to cooperative agreements, grants, and fixed amount awards to include the USAID Automated Directive System 303 and grant standard provisions, 2 CFR 200, 2 CFR 700, Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives, waivers, and deviations. The facilitator will identify where to find each regulation or policy and how to interpret and apply the regulation to USAID solicitations and awards.  For grant cost principles, the facilitator will explain the terms allocable, allowable and reasonableness and how auditors determine unreasonable or unsupported costs.  The seminar will also cover steps to seek a modification, approval, and waiver from USAID.  Discussion of 2 CFR 200 cost principles include compensation, fringe benefits, allowances, travel, lodging and per diem.  Finally, the facilitator will explain the recent 2 CFR 200 revisions for procurements and geographic codes to purchase goods and services.

Apr 29-30, 2024 at Crown Plaza Crystal City, Arlington, VA
  • Early – By Apr 15 – $675
  • Save $75
  • Regular – By Apr 28 – $750
  • Late – On Apr 29 – $800
  • $50 Last Minute Registration Fee

Content and Objectives

  1. What is the hierarchy of US Government grant regulations?
  2. What are the major grant compliance requirements in 2 CFR 200 and 2 CFR 700?
  3. How to select the award instrument:  acquisition vs assistance?
  4. What are the US Government grant cost principles (2 CFR 200)?
  5. What are the USAID grant standard provisions (US NGO, Non-US NGO, mandatory and as applicable)?
  6. What are the USAID suspension, termination and audit requirements?


Complete the online questions when you register.  If possible, bring a Request for Application and laptop to access the internet for classroom exercises.


Course Duration – 2-days,  9:00am-5:00pm

Who Should Attend

The seminar can be useful for staff involved in business development, finance, grant and subgrant management, audit, and close-out.  The seminar is designed and presented to meet the needs of participants from entry level to senior level.

After the Course

Participants will be able to apply the seminar knowledge to business development, financial management, sub-award & sub-contract management, audit, and close-out requirements.

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