Contract Clauses Every Implementer Should Know

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Price:  $55.00


A typical USAID cost reimbursement contract can include hundreds of FAR and AIDAR clauses populating Sections B to K of the award.  As a clause is cited by reference only in the award, an organization would have to research and read the FAR or AIDAR to understand the implications either to the organization or USAID.  In this webinar the facilitator, Chris O’Donnell and former USAID contracting officer, has read every clause and will explain the good, the bad and ugly side of critical FAR and AIDAR clauses.  Do not miss this opportunity to learn about the clauses that can impact the contract, program, and organization.

Content and Objective

  1. What are the key contract clauses on cost (allowable, overhead and reimbursement)?
  2. What are the contract clauses on competitive range and evaluation process?
  3. What are the change clauses and how does an organization apply them?
  4. What are the clauses on close out and incurred cost submission?
  5. What are the clauses on stop work and termination?


Under “Webinars” at the top of the home page, select the scheduled webinar, complete the registration and payment options.  A receipt will be automatically sent to your email account.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is for everyone in the organization involved contract compliance in business development, financial management, grant management, close-out, and audit.  With the effective date of revisions approaching (November 13, 2020), now is the time to prepare staff.

After the Webinar

After the webinar participants will be knowledgeable of critical contract clauses for proposal submission, competitive range discussions, financial management, award management, modifications, and close-out.

Terms and Conditions

Development Essentials will not record the webinar.  Development Essentials requests participants not record the webinar to keep the session as interactive as possible where participants are free to share and ask the most critical questions.  The presentation will be sent to all participants after the webinar.  Prior to the webinar a participant can request a full refund (minus the PayPal processor fee) or select another webinar.

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